San José-Evergreen Community College District Foundation

About the SJECCD Foundation

Established in 1982, the San José Evergreen Community College District Foundation (Foundation) encourages private philanthropic gifts through community partnerships. As a 501c3 non-profit organization, the Foundation serves as an interdependent advisory and advocacy board to the Chancellor of SJECCD, and serves​ as the fiduciary board which oversees the receipt, investment and expenditures/distributions of donations for the development and advancement of our District which includes our two colleges: San José City College (SJCC) and Evergreen Valley College (EVC). The Foundation subscribes to the Donor Bill of Rights​.



To cultivate and steward resources to ensure and enhance the opportunity for higher education in the community of the San José Evergreen Community College District.



To be a leader in supporting student access and success through a sustainable model of partner​​ships, community, and philanthropy.


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