EEO & DIVERSITY PLAN -Board-Adopted June 2024
Board-Adopted EEO & Diversity Plan
Attachment A - Component 13 - Strategies
Attachment C
CCCCO Feedback Form for SJECCD EEO & Diversity Plan Final Draft
Summary of CCCCO Feedback Form
EEO & DIVERSITY Plan Implementation - Component 13 Strategies Progress Update
Civility Statement
Civility Poster
Policy Statement on Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The San José-Evergreen Community College District is committed to the principles of equal employment opportunity and diversity and will implement a comprehensive program to put those principles into practice. It is the District’s policy to ensure that all qualified applicants for employment and employees have full and equal access to employment and promotion opportunity, and are not subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the District.
The District recognizes that “equal employment opportunity” includes not only a process for equal opportunity in hiring, but also practices and processes that create inclusive and respectful educational and work environments. The Plan will be grounded in the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion set forth in Title 5 Sections 51200 and 51201.
Such an environment fosters cooperation, acceptance, equity, democracy and free expression of ideas. An Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Plan will be maintained to ensure the implementation of equal employment opportunity principles that conform to federal and state laws.
The San José-Evergreen Community College District believes that in order to effectively address and comply with federal and state mandates and the District’s goals on equal employment opportunity and diversity, the Board of Trustees, administration, faculty and classified professionals must recognize that equal employment opportunity and DEIAA are shared responsibilities and all must be held accountable for application and enforcement of the policies within their area of authority.
5 CCR § 51201
Consistent with California Code of Regulations § 51201, incorporated herein is the Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the California Community Colleges:
(a) With the goal of ensuring the equal educational opportunity of all students, the California Community Colleges (and SJECCD) embrace diversity among students, faculty, administrators, classified professionals, and the communities we serve as an integral part of our history, a recognition of the complexity of our present state, and a call to action for a better future.
(b) Embracing diversity means that we must intentionally practice acceptance, anti-racism, and respect towards one another and understand that racism, discrimination, and prejudices create and sustain privileges for some while creating and sustaining disadvantages for others.
(c) In order to embrace diversity, we also acknowledge that institutional racism, discrimination, and biases exist and that our goal is to eradicate these from our system. Our commitment to diversity requires that we strive to eliminate those barriers to equity and that we act deliberately to create a safe, inclusive, and anti-racist environment where individual and group differences are valued and leveraged for our growth and understanding as an educational community.
(d) To advance our goals of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice for the success of students and employees, we must honor that each individual is unique and that our individual differences contribute to the ability of the colleges to prepare students on their educational journeys. This requires that we develop and implement policies and procedures, encourage individual and systemic change, continually reflect on our efforts, and hold ourselves accountable for the results of our efforts in accomplishing our goals. In service of these goals, the California Community Colleges (and SJECCD) are committed to fostering an anti-racist environment that offers equal opportunity for all.
(e) As a collective community of individual colleges, we are invested in cultivating and maintaining a climate where equity, anti-racism, and mutual respect are both intrinsic and explicit by valuing individuals and groups from all backgrounds, demographics, and experiences. Individual and group differences can include, but are not limited to, the following dimensions: race, ethnicity, national origin or ancestry, citizenship, immigration status, sex, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age, political beliefs, religion, creed, military or veteran status, socioeconomic status, and any other basis protected by federal, state or local law or ordinance or regulation.
It is through our combined efforts that the San José-Evergreen Community College District will
achieve fairness, equity, and practice cultural responsiveness consistent with its vision and values as stated in the District Policies on Non-discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Diversity, and Recruitment and Hiring. Links to these policies are included at the end of this Plan in Attachment “B”.
EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee
The District has established a District Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Advisory Committee at the District Office. Each college campus has also established its own Diversity Advisory Committee/Diversity Action Committee (DACs).
The primary function of the District Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Advisory Committee is to assist the District in developing, revising, and implementing its Plan. The DACs may assist in the implementation of the Plan in general as well as specific measures designed to promote equal employment opportunity and diversity at their respective college campuses. The DACs shall also assist in promoting an understanding and support of equal employment opportunity, diversity, cultural competence and nondiscrimination policies, procedures, and programs.
The committees may sponsor events, training, or other activities that promote equal employment opportunity, nondiscrimination, retention, diversity and cultural competence. The Chancellor’s designated officer(s) shall train the DACs on equal employment compliance, DEIAA, and the Plan itself. The District Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Advisory Committee and the College DACs shall include a diverse membership and include members from district stakeholder groups, including, but not limited to, students, faculty, and classified staff. The Chancellor may appoint an external community member to the District Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Advisory Committee, at their discretion.
The District and College EEO and Diversity Advisory Committees, as well as members of the
District’s Board of trustees, shall receive training in all of the following:
The requirements of the Title 5 EEO regulations (section 53000 et seq.) and of state and federal nondiscrimination laws;
identification and elimination of bias in hiring;
the educational benefits of workforce diversity; and
the role of the advisory committee in drafting and implementing the District’s EEO Plan.
The District Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Advisory Committee will be composed of up to 3 faculty (including one from AFT and one from each campus), up to 3 classified professional representatives (including one from each campus and one from the District office), up to 4 MSC representatives (including the Chancellor’s designated officer(s) – also includes the Diversity Officer and one from each campus), up to 2 students (one from each campus). The Title IX Officers and ADA Coordinators will be Ex-Officio members of the District Employment Opportunity and Diversity Advisory Committee.
A member from each college DAC shall serve as a member of the District Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Advisory Committee. Nominations for District Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Advisory Committee shall be made by the constituency groups. The Chancellor’s appointed officer(s), or their designee will chair the District Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Advisory Committee.
The membership of the College DACs shall be composed of classified professional, faculty, student, and management members. Nominations for committee membership will be made by the constituency groups. The Chancellor’s designated officer(s) (including the Diversity Officer), the campus Title IX Officer and the ADA Coordinator will be Ex-Officio members of the Campus DACs.
The Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Advisory Committees shall hold a minimum of four (4) meetings per fiscal year, with additional meetings if needed to review EEO and DEIAA efforts, programs, policies, and progress. When appropriate, the advisory committees shall make recommendations to the Chancellor, the College President, and/or the Chancellor’s designated officer(s). The Chancellor shall make recommendations to the Governing Board.
EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee Membership
(List is updated as needed for currency)
- Blake Balajadia (SJCC Student Development Director / MSC)
- Moni Dickerson/Rene Alvarez (SJCC MSC)
- Dio Shipp (Co-Chair / HR Vice Chancellor)
- Sam Ho (Co-Chair / Diversity Director)
- Henry Estrada* (Faculty / EVC Academic Senate President)
- Heidi Kozlowski* (Faculty / SJCC Academic Senate President)
- Vicki Brewster* (EVC Classified Senate President)
- Julinda LeDee (SJCC Classified Professional)
- Sydney Sukuta (SJCC Faculty)
- Ayan Dalmar* (EVC ASG President)
- Priyam Tated* (SJCC ASG President )
- Cristina Leal (SJCC Faculty)
- Bianca Lopez (EVC Classified Professional)
- Dillan Ortiz (SJCC Classified Professional)
- Yesenia Ramirez (Classified Senate President)
- Elvira Valderrama-Rodriguez (HR Director / MSC)
* In lieu of a constituency appointment & Resource individuals
Meeting Dates
The Districtwide EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee meets via Zoom on the last Monday of each month from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM during the spring (February, March, April, and May) and fall semesters (September, October, and November). Meetings may be held, as needed, during the summer or other months.
For more information, please contact or (408) 223-6798.
Next Meeting
Dear District-wide EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee Members/Constituency Representatives:
Our next meeting will be on Monday, March 31, 2024 from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM via Zoom:
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 896 3141 4171
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
EEO Representative Training for Screening Committees
PPT Presentation
DEIA Training Topics (Draft)
Training Workshop Assessment Tool (Draft)
EEO & Diversity Plan Implementation Quarterly Assessment Tool (Draft)
EEO Reps Training PPT
EEO & Diversity Climate Survey (Draft)