SJECCD Board Takes Stand for DACA Students


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February 15, 2017                                                            Ryan Brown



San José – Evergreen CCD Takes Stand to Support DACA Students

(San José, Calif.) —The San José – Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) board of trustees took action during its regular meeting this week to support Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and other vulnerable students.

A resolution passed by the board Tuesday indicates that SJECCD "will assure that no confidential student records will be released without a judicial warrant, subpoena or court order" and that "all students feel welcome and safe on our campuses, regardless of immigration status." The resolution also prohibits the District from aiding any federal efforts to create a registry of individuals based on any protected characteristics, including religion, national origin, race, and sexual orientation. Additionally, the District's police force will not detain, question, or arrest any individual based solely on immigration or religious status.

"In light of recent activities taking place across the country, we felt it important to ensure all of our students, particularly those from vulnerable populations, understand that we remain committed to serving them and we will do all that we can to foster a safe and stable environment on our campuses," said Dr. Debbie Budd, SJECCD chancellor.

The resolution highlights the District's values of opportunity, equity, and social justice, calling for support of all students regardless of immigration status. It also notes that many students from vulnerable populations, including immigrants, students who identify as LGBTQ, and Muslim students, have experienced distress, confusion, anxiety, and fear, all of which negatively impact their ability to achieve educational goals.

"President Franklin Roosevelt once said 'Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights and keep them,'" said Craig Mann, SJECCD board president. "In the same spirit, our board has acted to support students' rights under DACA. Their struggle is our struggle."

The resolution affirms that SJECCD "stands in strong support of DACA and other programs that support undocumented and other vulnerable student groups" and that SJECCD "pledges to fight for an extension of DACA and against any attempts to roll it back."

"Under this current political climate we are required to act with courage to ensure our DACA and other vulnerable students are protected, and that our education system remains accessible. Our advocacy efforts for the extension of DACA will be at the forefront. Through education, our students gain the ability to change and to induce change," added board Vice President Mayra Cruz.