Analysis Shows SJECCD Contributes Nearly $900 Million Annually to Local Economy


​For immediate release: 

October 15, 2020 

​For further information contact:

Ryan Brown 


Analysis Shows SJECCD Contributes Nearly $900 Million Annually to Local Economy

(San José, Calif.) — San José – Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) and its current and former students were responsible for generating more than $895 million to the local economy in the 2018-19 fiscal year, according to a new report conducted by EMSI, a global leader in labor market analysis. That nearly $900 million economic contribution is enough to support nearly 7,000 jobs, the report indicates. 
“San José – Evergreen Community College District has a significant impact on the regional economy,” said Dr. Byron D. Clift Breland, SJECCD chancellor. “Through the educational opportunities and operations of Evergreen Valley and San José City Colleges, students thrive and thousands of employees and contractors contribute to the regional economy. As this study shows, the district is a beneficial investment that pays enormous dividends by generating far more tax revenue than it receives.” 
Among the report’s highlights: 
  • For every dollar students invest in their education at Evergreen Valley College (EVC) or San José City College (SJCC), on average they see a return on that investment of $6.10 in higher future earnings.
  • The net impact of former students who are now employed in the Santa Clara County workforce amounted to $726 million in added income.
  • For every tax dollar invested in SJECCD in 2018-2019, taxpayers will receive $2.30 in future tax revenue and government savings for as long as the students who were enrolled during the 2018-2019 academic year remain active in the state workforce.
A student with an associate degree from EVC or SJCC will see an increase in earnings of about $10,000 each year compared to a person with just a high school diploma or equivalent in California, the report said. 
For more information and details, including the full report, visit SJECCD’s Economic Impact Analysis webpage
A brief video available online highlights the District’s economic impact as well.