Mission Statement
The mission of the San José-Evergreen Community College District Police Department, in partnership with the community, is to deliver quality service with commitment, compassion, and professionalism. This provides a safe and secure environment, ensuring a better quality of life. We accomplish this through knowledge, integrity, and high ethical standards.

A Vision For The San José-Evergreen District Police Department
It is our Vision as the San José-Evergreen Community College District Police Department to preserve a high quality of life and serve the needs of the District and College communities as we carry out our duties. We will function at our best at all times to become the premier law enforcement agency and a model for Departments of comparable size and service level.
To accomplish our Vision it will be necessary to continually recruit, hire and train quality members of the community to serve the ever expanding needs placed upon us with an emphasis on “Making a Difference” with each and every contact.
As management, we are committed to creatively providing the resources for our employees to be successful as they deliver a service that must be tough on crime and yet compassionate in the treatment of victims and the recipients of our service.
As we meet the challenges of the 21st century and a growing community, we will constantly look for ways to continuously improve our service delivery through process enhancement, technology and innovative communication skills. This will require openness to new ideas as well as commitment to our Mission, Principles and Values.
About Us
Campus Police provides police patrols and services whenever classes are in session as well as holidays and weekends. San José-Evergreen District Police Officers are vested with full law enforcement powers and responsibilities, identical to the local police or sheriff in your home community. The officers are trained at accredited police academies and receive additional training in first aid, firearms, defensive tactics, legal updates, evidence gathering, traffic investigations, as outlined by Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. The District maintains a mutual aid policy with the San José Police Department for after-hours incidents and to provide assistance in situations which Police Services does not have proper equipment, expertise and/or staffing.
District Police Officers are responsible for a full range of public safety services, including all crime reports, investigations, medical emergencies, fire emergencies, traffic accidents, enforcement of laws regulating underage drinking, possession of alcohol on campus, and the use of controlled substances, weapons, gambling and all other incidents requiring police assistance.
San José-Evergreen Community College District Police Department has access to all criminal justice automated information systems and routinely share information on criminal investigations with the San José Police Department, the Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office, and other relevant law enforcement agencies. The serial numbers of property that has been stolen from the campuses is reported through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Statistical information regarding crimes on the campuses is reported to the California Department of Justice (DOJ).