San José – Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) has completed the sale of approximately $238 million of general obligation bonds, which will fund the continued development...
On June 21, the San José – Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) board of trustees appointed Mr. Tony Alexander to fill a vacancy on the board.
(San José, Calif.) — The San José – Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) board of trustees has appointed a new interim chancellor, unanimously selecting Dr. Raúl Rodríguez during a vote in late December.
SJECCD is currently conducting its decennial redistricting. The District invites input and support for the adjustments of these trustee area boundaries from community members during upcoming Board meetings.
Two new Trustees were sworn in to their positions on the San José – Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) Board of Trustees during its regular December meeting following their election victories in November.
SJECCD and its current and former students were responsible for generating more than $895 million to the local economy in the 2018-19 fiscal year, according to a new report conducted by EMSI, a global leader in labor market analysis.
The San José – Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) board of trustees took action during its regular meeting this week to support Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and other vulnerable students.