COVID Information

SJECCD COVID Information

While we no longer require students or employees to wear masks or be vaccinated against COVID under normal circumstances, we continue to provide masks and hand sanitizer for those who want them and ask that everyone be respectful of the wishes of those who continue to practice social distancing.

Reporting and tracking of positive COVID cases continues and employees must conduct a self-check for COVID symptoms before entering their worksites each day and remain home if symptoms are present.

For reporting and tracking purposes, all positive COVID cases among employees must be reported using Maxient via the form at the link below. If the employee is unwell, their supervisor is responsible for entering the details to the best of their knowledge:

Employee COVID Maxient Reporting Form

When a positive case is reported, the individual in question will receive detailed instructions from HR on their next steps, but generally anyone testing positive for COVID must remain away from the workplace until their symptoms are improving and they have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications.

Upon returning to work, individuals who tested positive must wear a mask when in close contact with others for ten days following their initial positive test (or until they have two sequential negative antigen tests taken at least one day apart).

Employees who are identified as a close contact of a positive case will also receive detailed instructions from HR, but generally anyone experiencing symptoms should leave work, wear a mask, and get tested as soon as possible in order to determine next steps. A close contact who does not have symptoms should wear a mask indoors around other people for 10 days and consider testing within five days.

Please note that there is no more COVID leave, so all absences must be covered by the employee’s own accruals and remote work is not permitted outside of the terms of existing MOUs with our bargaining units.

Details regarding the spread of COVID in the community, the availability of vaccines, and free testing locations are available from the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department.

SJECCD COVID Vaccine Information

While vaccines are no longer required for students or employees, data from public health agencies indicate that vaccinated individuals are less likely to experience severe illness or death from COVID than their unvaccinated peers. Vaccination—including the latest booster shot—is strongly encouraged for employees and students.

In alignment with Santa Clara County Department of Public Health guidelines, masks are not required to be worn in most locations on SJECCD property, including inside classrooms and other shared spaces. This applies to all individuals on SJECCD property regardless of vaccination status.
While this change puts us in alignment with the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health guidelines for indoor masking in educational settings, individuals may still wear masks if they choose to do so. We will also continue to make masks available for employees, students, and visitors at kiosks near building entrances throughout our campuses.

Santa Clara County COVID Vaccine Information

State of California COVID Vaccine Information

Self-Check for Symptoms

Prior to entering the worksite, employees must conduct a daily self-check for COVID symptoms. If you are sick or are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, you must stay home. The list does not include all possible symptoms. To learn more about symptoms, visit the Centers for Disease Control website.

We ask that everyone do their part to keep our community healthy and safe. Before coming to campus or the District Office each day, please do a self-check for any of the following symptoms:

•    Fever or chills
•    Cough
•    Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
•    Fatigue
•    Muscle or body aches
•    New loss of taste or smell
•    Sore throat
•    Congestion or runny nose
•    Nausea or vomiting
•    Diarrhea

COVID Student Resources

Our campuses, facilities, and offices are open. Our course schedules at both Evergreen Valley College and San José City College feature a combination of in-person and online courses. For campus-specific information and updates regarding our response to COVID-19, please visit the individual campus pages.

•    San José City College
•    Evergreen Valley College

Additional Resources

•    COVID-19 Reporting Form
•    COVID Prevention Plan - New 2024 Prevention Plan will be posted soon!