LAST UPDATED: 03/19/25
Since the results of the November 2024 election were announced, we have heard from numerous students, employees, partners, and community members who had questions and concerns regarding the impact of the election on our colleges, our students, and our employees, particularly regarding members of some of our most vulnerable communities: Immigrants and their families, and individuals who are members of the LGBTQ+ community.
We created this page in order to share details and information on how our campuses are impacted and what we are doing to protect vulnerable students and employees, as well as share helpful resources and create a depository of Districtwide communications so students, employees, and members of the public have access to all of this information in a single location.
If you have questions, comments, feedback, or additional resources to share that you do not see posted, please email to share your thoughts.
Responding to On-Campus Immigration Enforcement Activities: |
If you are approached by someone asking for information about a student or employee or seeking access to non-public areas of campus, please follow these steps:The District will share information about students and employees with law enforcement or immigration officers only when legally required to do so. Before sharing any information, including identifying students enrolled in a course, please contact District Police Services at 408-270-6468. Police Services will contact the appropriate District or College administrator and dispatch an officer to your location.Ask the individual who they are and what agency the represent. If they say immigration or any law enforcement agency, obtain their name, title, and badge number. Be polite and professional. Do not lie to immigration or law enforcement officers or agents and do not physically interfere with their activities, even if they appear to be acting outside of their authority. Once you call Police Services, you may remain in the vicinity of the immigration officer and take notes on what you observe. You may return to work if an employee other than you has been designated to document the interaction.
As a reminder:No employee other than the Chancellor, President, or their designee(s) can consent to entry of District facilities by immigration enforcement officers. The Chancellor, President, or designee must verify the legality of any warrant, court order, or subpoena.No employee shall attempt to physically interfere with an immigration enforcement officer, even if the officer appears to be acting without consent or exceeding the authorization given under a warrant or other legal order.No employee shall discuss or otherwise share the personal information—including immigration status—of any student or employee, unless permitted by state and federal law.
All-District Communications