The Association of Black Employees

Habari Gani! What is the news?


The Association of Black Employees (TABE) was formed in 2020 by Black faculty, staff, and administrators with the collective vision to build a legacy that promotes opportunities and fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment for Black Employees within the SJECCD community.

Join us on the Fourth Friday of every month via Zoom beginning at 2:00 pm.

                          2023-2025 Executive Team:

President- Vicki Brewster

Email: Vicki Brewster

Campus: Evergreen Valley College

Vice President- Sean Dickerson

Email: Sean Dickerson

Campus: San Jose City College

Secretary- Donntay Moore-Thomas

Email: Donntay Moore-Thomas

Campus: San Jose City College

Treasurer- Ebonnie Berry

Email: Ebonnie Berry

Campus: Evergreen Valley College

Parliamentarian: Claudia Barbosa-Daniels

Email:  Claudia Barbosa-Daniels

Campus: Evergreen Valley College

Historian- Bianca Lopez

Email: Bianca Lopez

Campus: Evergreen Valley College


Upcoming Events

Stay Tuned For Upcoming Black History Month Events

Mission Statement

The Association of Black Employees will promote social justice and the interests and welfare of Black employees and Black students within the San José Evergreen Community College District. The association will work towards equity and inclusion in recruiting, hiring, and the retention of Black employees and the recruitment and retention of Black students. The association will be committed to creating a sense of community through advocacy, education, leadership development, and cultural events.


Membership is open to all college employees and members of the community regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, creed, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation, who support the mission and objectives of The Association of Black Employees. Membership status is granted upon payment of dues.

Dues for SJECCD Membership may be paid in full at the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1) via credit card payment or ACH on the SJECCD Foundation Website by selecting "I want to support" and clicking on The Association of Black Employees designation. For employees, dues may be split into payments, through staff payroll deduction. For payroll deductions, membership is renewed annually unless a termination request is submitted to SJECCD Payroll.