Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Employee Association

SJECCD Stands With Black Lives Matter

Dear SJECCD Community,

The Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Employee Association is angered and saddened by the persistent dehumanization and violence enacted upon Black Americans. We condemn systemic racism and stand in solidarity with Black Americans as well as those actively uprising for justice and change.

Asian Americans have directly benefited from the leadership, organization, and sacrifice of the Black community. Without the Civil Rights Movement and Civil Rights Act, the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 would not have passed. Likewise, without the vision and activism of the Black Student Union, Ethnic Studies and Asian American Studies would not have been possible.

As an association, we are committed to addressing and dismantling anti-Black racism, especially within the Asian American community. We are calling for educational curricula to emphasize and eradicate racism and bigotry and meaningful self, community, and familial learning. Further, we stand with those who believe in demilitarization of the police force.

In addition to the resources shared by the Chancellor’s Office, SJCC President’s Office, SJCC Ethnic Studies Department, and the Latino Education Association, we invite our District community to engage and widely share the resources we have compiled below.


Take Action Against Anti-Blackness

Shop at Black-Owned Business in the Bay Area


30+ Ways Asians Perpetuate Anti-Black Racism Everyday

South Asians and Black Lives

Questions on (the Limits & Effects of) (Asian American) Allyship


20+ Allyship Actions for Asians to Show Up for the Black Community Right Now

ACLU: Know Your Rights | Protestors’ Rights

Letters to Families for Black Lives (Multiple Translations)

Asian American Racial Justice Toolkit

In Solidarity,

The SJECCD Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Employee Association

Statement Denouncing Anti-Asian Violence Amid COVID-19

The dangerous, racist rhetoric, and references to COVID-19 as the “Wuhan virus”, “Chinese virus”, and “Kung Flu”, has led to a surge in anti-Asian violence across the nation. The Asian Pacific American Association (APAA) denounces any form of anti-Asian violence because dangerous, racist rhetoric harms all of us.


The Mission of the San José Evergreen Community College District Asian Pacific American Association is to promote the interests of the Asian Pacific American community, to foster cultural awareness, and to support education within the community.   

APIA, November 1992