Purchasing Toolbox



July 2023

The Purchasing Department is transitioning to TDX (Team Dynamix) for BPO Renewal and Change Order Requests. Instructions are provided below in the Instructions & Forms Section. A direct link to the service requests is available in the Quick Links section at the bottom of the page. Existing BPO Renewal and Change Order forms will still be accepted temporarily as we transition to the new process.

Purchasing FAQs

How Do I Initiate A Requisition?

Before entering a requisition, you will need a valid Vendor in Colleague and all supporting documents in hand. See this guide or video tutorial for how to initiate a Requisition.

How Do I Request A BPO Renewal?

The Purchasing Department is transitioning to TDX (Team Dynamix) for BPO Renewal Requests. Instructions are provided below in the Instructions & Forms Section. A direct link to the BPO Renewal Request is available in the Quick Links section at the bottom of the page.

How Can I Upload My Supporting Documents For My Requisition To Square 9?

Square 9 is a cloud document management system for Purchasing. All supporting documents must be uploaded to Square 9 to accompany your requisition. Instructions on how to use Square 9 can be found here: Square 9 Document Submission Instructions.

How Can I Buy Supplies Or Equipment For My Department?
  1. For the purchase of supplies that will be recurring, initiate a requisition to open a Blanket Purchase Order. A quote or rate sheet is helpful but not required.
  2. For the purchase of one time goods such as equipment, materials, or FF&E, obtain a quote from the vendor that is current within 30 days. Refer to the Purchasing Approval Matrix to determine multiple quote requirements.
  3. Supporting documents must be in hand prior to initiating your requisition. Your requisition must include approvals by your department manager and Business Services. Upon completion of your requisition, upload your supporting documents to Square 9 and notify your department manager and Business Services to approve your requisition.
  4. Vendor contact email/phone and department contact must be included in your requisition comments.
  5. Purchasing will convert your requisition into a Purchase Order and transmit the order to your vendor. You will be cc’d in the communication so that you are aware your order has been placed.
How Can I Hire A Vendor For Services Such As Consulting, Marketing,
Advertising, Repairs, Or Other Services?
  1. Refer to the Purchasing Contract Procedures Flow Chart for an overview of the steps involved in contracting for services.
  2. Obtain a quote/proposal from your vendor. Refer to the Purchase of Services – Chart of Required Documents
  3. Refer to the Purchasing Approval Matrix to determine signature authority and multiple quote requirements.
  4. Supporting documents must be in hand prior to initiating your requisition. Your requisition must include approvals by your department manager and Business Services. Upon completion of your requisition, upload your supporting documents to Square 9 and notify your department manager and Business Services to approve your requisition.
Can I Buy Goods From Amazon?

Yes, refer to Amazon Business Prime Ordering Instructions

How Can I Find Out If A Vendor Exists In Colleague And How Do I Add One If They Don't?

Use the mnemonic VENI to search for a Vendor in Colleague. If the vendor does not exist, request the vendor to complete a W9 & BEC form Submit forms to Purchasing to add the vendor to the Colleague database.

I Want To Purchase Goods Or Services That Are Over The Bid Limit. What Are My Options?

You have several options of purchasing goods or services over the bid limit. The key is to plan ahead. Contact your vendor to inquire if they have Piggyback Agreements to utilize. You may also use CMAS agreements, Government Code 53060 or sole source justification. If none of these options are viable, a public bid conducted by Purchasing may be necessary. Contact the Purchasing Department for guidance.

What Is The Difference Between An ICA And A PSA Contract And How Do I Know Which One To Use?
  1. An Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA) is used for services such as moving, transportation, repairs, equipment installation, and other services that are not intellectual in nature. It is considered "physical" work.
  2. A Professional Services Agreement is used for services such as accounting, consulting, marketing, legal, Information Technology, and other services of an intellectual nature that provides professional advice. It is considered "brain" work. This contract requires professional liability insurance and may also require cyber liability insurance.
  3. Refer to the Purchase of Services – Chart of Required Documents for guidance on the appropriate contract form to use.
What Insurance Do I Need To Collect From My Vendor?

Refer to Purchasing Insurance Requirements section below on this webpage.

What Are Endorsement Pages For Insurance And Why Do I Need It?

The Certificate of Insurance (COI) alone is not sufficient as it is informational only and does not alter the policy. The endorsement pages officially alters the policy to name the District as additional insured. This means the vendor's insurance will cover the District in the event of a loss. See here for an example: COI Reference Guide

I Entered Into A Verbal Agreement With A Vendor For Services Without A Contract And Now I Have An Invoice That Needs To Be Paid. I Also Never Collected Insurance. What Do I Do?
  • You have not followed the appropriate steps to procure services on behalf of the District. This may result in personal liability as you do not have an enforceable contract with the vendor. Furthermore, insurance was not put in place prior to services rendered which puts the District and yourself at risk of liability.
  • Refer to the Purchasing Contract Procedures Flow Chart for the correct steps on the procurement of services on behalf of the District.
  • Contact Business Services or Purchasing for guidance on how to handle a confirming order which is when goods or services have been rendered without a Purchase Order.
Where Can I Find All The District’s Contract Templates, Insurance Requirements, And Instructions And Forms?

All these items and more can be found in the sections below on this webpage.

I Have Some Old FF&E And Equipment That I Would Like To Surplus. How Do I Do That?

All requests for surplus must complete the Surplus Disposal Request Form More information on how to surplus can be found on the Warehouse webpage under Warehouse Services.

I Have A Question That’s Not Shown On This FAQ, Where Can I Find More Help?

Please call the Purchasing department at 408-270-6420 or send an email to DO-Purchasing@sjeccd.edu 

Purchasing Contract Templates

Purchasing Insurance Requirements

Purchasing Instructions & Forms


Purchasing Policies

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