As set forth in the DAS Constitution, the Exec Board brings issues, resolutions and other matters from the two college senates to the full District Academic Senate for discussion and action. If approved, the DAS Board then sends approved motions to the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees, where depending on the type of issue, and through the shared governance process, the Senate and the Board will seek mutual agreement or rely primarily on the Senate's recommendations as defined in Article IV of the SJECCD Board Rules.
- Membership
The DAS Executive Committee is composed of eight members. Four officers, the Academic Senate Presidents from the two colleges, and two additional Academic Senate Appointees (selected from each college as campus representatives). See Article III, Section 1, for additional information.
- 10+1
The 10+1 areas include the following policy development and implementation matters:
- Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and placing course within disciplines;
- Degree and certificate requirements;
- Grading policies;
- Educational program development;
- Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success;
- District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles;
- Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports;
- Policies for faculty professional development activities;
- Processes for program review;
- Processes for institutional planning and budget development;
- Other academic and professional matters as are mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the academic senate.
The DAS is charged under Title 5, Section 53200 of the California Educational Code with representing the faculty of the San José/Evergreen Community College District in all academic and professional matters (10+1).
For more information on the implementation agreements between the District Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees, please refer to the Chapter IV, of the District Board Policies (BP4000).
DAS Executive meetings are generally held monthly throughout the year at the District Office, while the entire DAS meets at one of the two campuses. You can access the "DAS Master Calendar" for dates and locations of meetings and events from the menu at the bottom of the page.
- District Academic Senate Constitution
Section 1. The name of the representative organization hereby established shall be the San José Evergreen Community College District Academic Senate, hereafter called the District Academic Senate.
Section 2. Mission of The District Academic Senate:
A. The District Academic Senate operates pursuant to Title 5, Subchapter 2, Sections 53200 - 53206, California Code of Regulations and Education Code Sections 70900-70902.
B. The District Academic Senate is comprised of representatives from each of the College Academic Senates within the District. It is recognized as a body through which dialog necessary to the formulation of District policy and recommendations in academic and professional matters may take place, particularly in the following areas (Title V, Section 53200).
- District Academic Senate BYLAWS
The powers of the District Academic Senate shall be the following:Section 1. To provide coordination among the faculties and Academic Senates of the Colleges within the San José Evergreen Community College District.
Section 2. To participate in the formation of policies and procedures in academic and professional matters.
Section 3. To support the academic and professional development of a multi-college district. FURTHERMORE:
Section 4. The District Academic Senate may accept, with the approval of all college senates, any powers and responsibilities delegated to it by law and by the Board of Trustees. Further, it is recognized as a partner in developing the policies of participatory governance for the District.
Section 5. The District Academic Senate may accept any powers and responsibilities delegated to it by joint resolution of the Academic Senates of the Colleges.
Section 6. The District Academic Senate and the College Senates may present views and recommendations to the Chancellor for inclusion in the Board Agenda as information items. The Board of Trustees shall consider and respond to such views and recommendations (Title 5, Section 53200).
Section 1. The District Academic Senate is comprised of representatives from the Academic Senates from the Colleges of the District, and must provide a forum for the expression of concerns from these separate entities. Constituent Academic Senates shall enjoy equality in the deliberative process. On matters of district-wide concern, the voices of Constituent Academic Senates shall be heard as one voice via the District Academic Senate.Section 2. It is expected that a culture of collegiality will prevail within the District Academic Senate. This Senate will be ruled by the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, unless it conflicts with these bylaws.
Section 3. The District Academic Senate shall serve as the official voice of all faculty of the Evergreen Valley College and San José City College on mutually agreed matters. Nothing in this charter shall prevent either of the two colleges of the right to access to the Chancellor or Board of Trustees in matters affecting a single college or when the District Academic Senate refuses action.
Section 1. The voting members of the District Academic Senate shall consist of:Evergreen Valley College Academic Senate President,
Evergreen Valley College Academic Senate Vice-President,
Evergreen Valley College Academic Senate Treasurer,
San José City College Academic Senate President,
San José City College Academic Senate Vice-President,
San José City College Academic Senate Treasurer,
Plus two additional Academic Senate appointees (one from each college).
Section 2: All meetings of the District Academic Senate, and all committees authorized under District Academic Senate auspices, shall be open to all members of the faculty, the Administration, staff, students, and the public.
Section 3. The District Academic Senate shall hold regular meetings not less than once a month during the full semesters of the academic year. The time and place of regular meetings shall be determined by the District Academic Senate. A quorum of the District Academic Senate will be five members with at least two from each college.ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS
Section 1. Officers for the District Academic Senate shall include a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary/Treasurer.Section 2. The office of the District President shall rotate annually among the colleges. Sitting College Academic Senate Presidents shall not be eligible to serve as President of the District Academic Senate.
Section 3. The Officers and President shall be elected by the District Academic Senate Members at their last meeting in April of each year.
Section 4. All members of the District Academic Senate shall serve one-year terms with no term limit restrictions.
Section 5. The President of the District Academic Senate may not hold the office of the President of District faculty bargaining unit concurrently.
Section 6. The District Academic Senate President shall:
- A. Develop agendas, conduct meetings, and serve as a voting member of the District Academic Senate;
- B. Regularly meet with the District Chancellor, with other administrators and staff as needed, and report to the District Academic Senate on relevant issues;
- C. Represent, in person or by his/her designee, the DAS before the Board of Trustees on any faculty matter within the purview of the District Academic Senate;
- D. Represent the District Academic Senate on any District-wide committees and/or administrative council;
Section 7. The District Vice-President shall:
- A. Act in the capacity of the President in any case where the President is unable to serve;
- B. Participate with the District Academic Senate President in meetings with the Chancellor of the District, and with others as needed.
Section 8. The District Secretary shall:
- A. Keep minutes of the District Academic Senate meetings. Keep minutes of any general faculty meeting called by the District Academic Senate; maintain a file of all minutes and official documents of the DAS body.
- B. Ensure that all written material be prepared in a timely manner for dissemination at general sessions of the District Academic Senate;
- C. Approved District Academic Senate Minutes shall be publicly posted.
Section 1. The District Academic Senate shall create such District Standing Committees, as it deems necessary for the fulfillment of its role in the governance of the District.ARTICLE VI. BY-LAWS AND AMENDMENTS
Section 1. Upon the consent of the College Academic Senates in the District, any article or section of this Constitution and or bylaws may be amended.Section 2. Amendments may be proposed by any College Academic Senate in the District. Section 3. The By-Laws shall be amended by six members of the District Academic Senate.
Section 1. This District Academic Senate Constitution will take effect immediately upon the approval of this constitution and bylaws by the Academic Senates of the San José City College and Evergreen College.- Documents
Bylaws of SJECCD Academic Senate
Constitution of the SJECCD Academic Senate
DAS Resolution Counseling Faculty @ SJECCD
District Academic Senate Board
ACTING PRESIDENT Henry Estrada EVC Academic Senate President |
VICE-PRESIDENT Heidi Kozlowski SJCC Academic Senate President |
EVERGREEN VALLEY COLLEGE Kelly Nguyen-Jardin, EVC Senate Vice President Charlie Kahn-Lomax, EVC At-Large SAN JOSE CITY COLLEGE Fabio Gonzalez, SJCC Vice President John Banks, SJCC Treasurer |
DAS Agendas & Minutes - 2024
11.12.24 | |
09.10.24 | 09.10.24 |
05.14.24 | 05.14.24 |
04.09.24 | 04.09.24 |
03.12.24 | 03.12.24 |
02.13.24 | 02.13.24 |
- Agenda & Minutes - Archives
09.13.22 (informal)