Facilities Master Plan Task Force

2024 Facilities Master Plan (FMP) Development

The last Facilities Master Plan (FMP) for EVC and SJCC was conducted in 2016, and the district is taking next steps to develop a districtwide refresh of the FMP. The District has engaged Field Paoli, an architecture firm with campus planning specialty, to guide and create this updated FMP.

FMP Task Force

The district reached out to the Academic Senate, Classified Senate, and Student Government Association to request representatives to serve on the Facilities Master Plan Task Force. All names forwarded via the constituent groups were invited to serve on the Task Force.  The Task Force will serve as an advisory group to provide collective feedback on the long-term (10 year and beyond) campus facilities based on survey findings, key informant interviews and facilities condition assessments.  

Expected Task Force Duration: May 2024 to August 2025
FMP Task Force Resources

Presentation:  SJECCD FMP Kick Off with Facilities Task Force

  • Garry Johnson, Faculty Representative
  • Josephine Aguirre, Classified Professional Representative
  • Michael Osorio, Student Services Representative
  • Kathy Tran, Finance Representative
  • Angel Fuentes, Academic Division Representative
  • Edgar Jimenez Granados, Student Representative
  • Mark, Branom, Faculty Representative
  • Yesenia Ramirez, Classified Professional Representative
  • Blake Balajadia, Student Services Representative
  • Saloshni Chand, Finance Representative
  • Misty Shroud, Academic Division Representative
  • Pending, Student Representative
District Services
  • Toby Smith, AVC Physical Plant Development and Operations
  • Sue Dale, District Managed Facilities
  • Bala Kappagantula, Information Technology Support Services
  • Ryan Brown, Public Information Officer
  • Edwin Chandrasekar, District Office
  • Christen Soares, Project Lead Architect, Field Paoli
  • Jane Lin, Project co-Lead Architect, Urban Field Studio
  • Christina Paul, Campus Planning, Cygnus
  • Yann Taylor, Architect, Field Paoli
FMP Steering Committee

The Chancellor’s cabinet will serve as the FMP Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will provide input on draft products from the Task Force and review content before releasing to a broader audience.


Key Dates

March 12, 2024Board approved engagement of Field Paoli for design and architecture services of the Facilities Master Plan
May 24 2024Survey link sent to employees and students districtwide. 517 responses received. Findings to be share at FMP Task Force Meeting
June 3, 2024First FMP Task Force Meeting
2:00 - 4:00 p.m 

1) Introductions 
2) Process 
3) Timeline 
4) Measures of Success 
5) Campus Survey Observations 
6) Next Steps
June-JulyArchitects to conduct facilities condition site visits, data gathering and analysis on classroom utilization and stakeholder group interviews
August Meeting TBD